The latest item in the “SECOND AXE-style ♡HENTAI ACTION” series!
The “Demon King Lizbeth” by popular illustrator Asanagi has been made into a HENTAI ACTION figure!
Popular work depicting a battle against cheat heroes and small fry goblins
Queen Succubus vs Goblins”.
The Succubus Queen is the strongest and worst Succubus in the work.
The figure has been thoroughly supervised by Mr. Asanagi, and has been sculpted in all the fleshy proportions that he has depicted!
Not only breasts, but also hips and thighs are Sexy finish!
The hip joints have a pull-out mechanism, so you can easily recreate poses with her legs crossed!
As a highlight option this time,
A whole torso part that can reproduce the naked state is included!
The tail growing out of the back has a bendable structure with a wire core, allowing you to create any expression you want!
The flexible waist also allows for poses with the buttocks thrust up!
Twin-tails and hair in the back can also be moved!
This time, we tried to recreate an epic battle scene with goblins!
That’s here!!!!!
Please rest assured. I didn’t insert it.
It is a battle figure, so it looks good with an opponent!
Please note that the goblin figure in the picture is not included in the product.
Two expressions are included!
Both parts are finished to an outstanding degree of perfection and will enhance any situation!
A dedicated stand is included, You can also enjoy her crouching pose as shown in the image!
The final cut is a smiling, commemorative photo-like shot with the goblins.
“SECOND AXE-style ♡HENTAI ACTION” series! The “Demon King Lizbeth”
Orders must be received by 7:00 p.m. on Friday, September 22, 2023!(JST)
【 商品詳細 】 商品名: SECOND AXE式❤HENTAI ACTION サキュバス女王 リズベット 作品名: 朝凪氏オリジナル作品 価 格: 16,000円(税別)/17,600円(税込) 発売時期: 2024年6月 仕 様: PVC・ABS・POM 塗装済み完成品 サイズ : ノンスケール 全高:約140mm 対象年齢: 18歳以上 原型制作: ベンチマアク 発売元 : セカンドアックス 販売元 : ネイティブ 特 典: 朝凪氏イラストポストカード(オンライン購入特典) 付属品: 差替え用胴体パーツ、差替え用表情パーツ(2種)、 差替え用手首パーツ(2セット)、台座 購入制限: お一人様 3個まで ※ 他商品もお求めの場合は、商品別にご注文のお手続きをお願い致します 予約受付期間: 2023年7月21日(金)12時 ~ 2023年9月22日(金)19時まで
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